The TAF has established itself as the key EU support mechanism for increasing energy access in Africa.
This project is about:
Provision of high-level technical assistance at country and regional level through expert missions to increase energy access and to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions. EU funded.
Context: improve the policy and regulatory framework conditions aiming at providing attractive and enabling conditions for increased public and private investment in energy access, energy supplies, renewable energy as well as energy efficiency.
Timeline: 2014 - 2017
  €Contract value: 15,267,250 EUR

Services are summarised in the following 5 main components:

(1) Activity Area 1 - Initial stocktaking and technical support in the elaboration and implementation of national energy sector policies and reforms:
This activity will assist the partner countries to identify energy access, supply and efficiency strategies and policies, including renewable energy readiness assessments were they are lacking.
(2) Activity Area 2 - Capacity building in policy and regulatory framework:
This activity will improve individual and institutional capacity through tailor-made support to respond to the priority needs of the targeted countries. Services include: developing the capacity through training on the implementation of feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, project facilitation, funds’ mobilisation, sector policy and financial reforms, etc.
(3) Activity Area 3 - Technical support in the programming and preparation of concrete investment projects:
This activity will assist beneficiaries to develop technical, environmental and economic capacities for the elaboration and design of energy studies, programmes and projects under EDF rules and procedures. Services include: (i) project prioritisation – building a pipeline; (ii) active management of project pipeline and project preparation cycle; (iii) implementation of individual assignments for project preparation; and (iv) acquire technical knowledge to explore financing options with IFIs as well as with the private sector.
(4) Activity Area 4 - Mobilization of funds and facilitation of partnership (emphasis on the private sector and banking institutions):
Services include (i)assessment of the project global environment and its overall justification, feasibility and bankability; (ii) assessment of the quality at entry of the project to be prone for private sector participation; (iii) checking availability of instruments and financing tools at the level of specific projects; (iv) assessment of the adequate institutional and financial structuring of the project and transparency of bidding procedures; (v) promotion of the project for drawing interest of private partners; (vi) strengthen dialogue with local and international private sector; and (vii) strengthening capacities to identify innovative mechanisms to facilitate international and local financing.
(5) Activity Area 5 - Industrial and technology cooperation through project demonstration:
This activity will aim at developing know how and expertise in the beneficiary countries on modern technological solutions, their comparable advantages, their construction and maintenance, with a special focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Services include: (i) identification and classification of ongoing programmes, initiatives and cooperation agreements for the development of knowhow, transfer of skills and training in the energy sector; Developing know‐how and expertise in the beneficiary countries on modern technological solutions; Ensuring the sustainability of technological cooperation and know‐how exchange; Appraisal of opportunities and justification for local industrial integration.
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