
Apr 17

Energy savings: Quick wins for an improved electricity supply in Zambia

October 2015
Workshop on ‘Energy Efficiency Quick Win Actions’ funded by the European Union - reveals that the total potential electricity saving from 14 investigated sites may cut electricity consumption by up to 50% and significantly reduce the energy deficit in Zambia.
Apr 17

Harmonized electricity markets to improve energy access for African citizens

November 2015
HCL is supporting the AUC/Department Infrastructure Energy (DIE) to analyse existing regional and continental regulations including assessment of regulatory frameworks and institutions in the African energy sector, through a dedicated assignment: “Legal Framework Assessment Support to the African Union Commission (AUC) in the Development of a Legal Harmonised Continental Regulatory Framework for the Energy Sector in Africa”.
Apr 17

Electrifying investment in Madagascar

December 2015
The EU’s new Electrification Financing Initiative (ElectriFI) is an innovative "venture capital" facility, aiming to mobilize and accelerate private sector investment, and to increase and improve access to renewable, affordable and reliable energy in emerging and developing countries.
Oct 17

New Momentum for Lesotho’s Rural Energy

June 2017
A new, dedicated institution for rural energy will pull together efforts focusing on Lesotho’s off-grid, mountainous areas. Wired electricity is still an emerging utility in Lesotho, and the majority of rural populations –some 92%- still live without access.