Jan 24
As a contractor for the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training - CEPOL, HCL Group plays an important role in supporting CEPOL by providing interim staff members who possess the specific competencies required for particular projects or tasks. EU funded.
Jan 24
Increasing energy access, improving economic prospects, and ensuring a sustainable future in Lesotho. EU Funded.
Dec 23
Promoting sustainable development within the blue economy of the Western Mediterranean Sea basin, by addressing the needs and requests of stakeholders for guidance on blue economy financing, investments in blue growth, project development, and creating valuable networks. EU Funded.
Oct 17
Provision of technical assistance to the Holding Company for Water and Waste Water and Affiliated Companies to improve their technical efficiency and technical investment planning in the water sector.
Apr 17
Preparation of a feasibility study to define technical scope and socio-economic assessment for this integrated depollution investment project. Funded by EIB (FEMIP).
Apr 17
Development, implementation, and application of a tailored-made Water & Wastewater Decision Support System (WWDSS) for the HCWW and its Affiliated Companies. GIZ.
Apr 17
Provision of high-level technical assistance at country and regional level through expert missions to increase energy access and to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions. EU funded.